What Upfront Pricing Means for You

Many home services companies base their pricing on time and materials. But that often leads to an unpleasant surprise for the customer: A final bill afterward with unexpected hourly charges, or worse yet, fees that weren’t originally disclosed.

At Stutzman Services, you get an all-inclusive price upfront, which means you are always informed, confident and in control of the work being performed at your home or business.

Informed: After evaluating your need, our professional and friendly technician will explain their findings and offer some solutions for you to select from, each with an all-inclusive price and financing options if requested. No guessing, negotiations or haggling—just clear, easy-to-understand information. After you decide on the work to be performed and authorize us to begin, you will know precisely what to expect and how much it will cost.

Confident: Because we charge by the job and not by the hour, there’s no need to monitor the technician’s time or be concerned if they take longer than expected. You can rest easy, confident that the job will be done right no matter how long it takes, and the price won’t change.

Related: Customer Five-Star Experiences

In Control: If by chance something unforeseen arises after the technician has begun working, they will stop and bring it to your attention, explain the options with upfront pricing, and give you the opportunity to approve any additional work before they begin. It’s your home or business and you are in control.

Give us a call at (541) 928-8942 for professional plumbing, well water, and irrigation services delivered safely with straightforward, upfront pricing. Or click here for more great reasons to choose Stutzman Services.